News & Events

New Year in Blarney

New Year in Blarney

December is now behind us and as we enter 2023, I find myself looking forward to what I hope will be a great year in the gardens. The first signs…

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November Not So Nippy

November Not So Nippy

The Autumn colour around the gardens is magnificent right now, and well worth a trip in to see. I love to walk through the arboretums and along the riverside and…

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Autumns Glorious Colours

Autumns Glorious Colours

October saw the start of autumn and the first hints of colour through the trees in the arboretums. The reds and yellows seem particularly good this year, and the lime…

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All Change for Autumn

All Change for Autumn

September simply flew by, and autumn is on its way. I can see the colours starting to change in the trees, and cooler, dew laden mornings are becoming the norm.…

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Sculptures and Jellyfish

Sculptures and Jellyfish

August was a very busy and interesting month for us here in the gardens. We launched this year’s sculpture trail, introduced a new pop-up garden featuring jellyfish, and harvested a…

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Sculptures, Roses and Honey

Sculptures, Roses and Honey

As we exit June, I find myself feeling very positive about the coming summer season. Our overseas visitors are starting to return in larger numbers, and the locals continue to…

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Autumn shades in September

Autumn shades in September

September has passed by in a flash, and autumn has definitely arrived. Over the last few days, I’m seeing cooler, misty mornings, dew-laden grass and the first colour changes amongst…

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Pumpkins and Autumn Walks

Pumpkins and Autumn Walks

October is one of my favourite months as it generally brings dramatic changes throughout the grounds and gardens. It’s still fairly mild though, and we are still waiting for our…

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Pre-Christmas Madness

Pre-Christmas Madness

November passed by in a flash and I suddenly find myself heading into the festive season feeling somewhat unprepared. The Christmas madness has descended on my house, and it may…

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