News & Events
JulyGetting Wild in June
I think to say that June was a busy month here in the gardens would be a bit of an understatement! We have been spread thinly across the gardens as…
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MayMay it finally be Summer?
The gardens are looking stunning right now, and special mention goes to the Laburnum arch in the Poison Garden, and the rose pergola on our Herbaceous border, which are both…
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MayApril Showers Over?
Having started April with a continuation of the extremely wet weather that has plagued us throughout the year so far, it would seem that things are finally starting to improve,…
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AprilA Muddy March
March has been a challenging month due to the constant rain. We usually have our construction and landscaping projects completed by now, but the ground conditions have held everything up.…
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MarchFebruary Fun
February has been an extremely busy month for us here in the gardens. There has been a sudden explosion of colour, as spring bulbs and spring flowering trees and shrubs…
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JanuaryNot Enough Days in January
January has flown by, and I can’t believe that I’m already writing this. We are extremely busy in the grounds and gardens as we prepare for the coming tourist season.…
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JanuaryDecember Daffodils and Christmas Delights
December has passed in the usual festive blur, leaving me slightly befuddled but full of Christmas cheer, or is that pudding? and hopeful for great things in 2024. As we…
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DecemberNo signs of winter…yet!
November has been an incredibly mild month overall, and we are still waiting for any period of prolonged frost to let the plants know that winter has arrived. That said,…
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NovemberA wet October
I am writing this in my office whilst the rain hammers against the windows. It has become a very familiar sound over the last couple of weeks and has certainly…
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